The Interim Breed Standard as published by the Kennel Club on 1st April 2018
General Appearance:
Powerful, medium sized, white shepherd dog. Body slightly long in comparison to height, with medium bone and erect ears. Balanced, and elegant in outline, with head carried moderately high. Gives the impression of soundness and capability to work. Covers the ground easily.
Versatile working, companion dog. Attentive, alert, resilient.
Lively and friendly temperament, never shy or aggressive. Can be reserved. Easily trained.
Head and Skull:
Proportionate in size to body. Clean cut, finely chiselled, wedge shaped when viewed from above and the side. Almost flat skull, parallel to muzzle. Slight but clearly perceptible stop. Foreface slightly longer than skull. Lips dry, close fitting and black. Nose black. Snow nose and lighter nose colour acceptable but not desirable.
Brown to dark brown. Medium size, almond shaped, set slightly obliquely. Eyelids close fitting. Black rims desirable.
Elongated triangular ears with slightly rounded tips. Erect, set high, parallel and directed forward.
Jaws strong, with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to jaws.
Moderately long, well arched and without dewlap. Strong and well muscled, flowing smoothly into withers.
Shoulders sloping well back with good return of upper arm. Well muscled front with prominent forechest. Moderately broad between elbows which are close fitting. Forearms straight and long with medium bone. Pasterns firm and set slightly oblique.
Topline strong and muscular with pronounced withers. Back level and firm with long, gently sloping croup to set on of tail. Chest of medium width reaching to the elbows, approximately 50% of the height at the withers. Ribcage oval and carried well back to strongly muscled loin. Flanks firm with underline moderately tucked up.
Strong, fairly broad and well muscled, sinewy with medium bone. Well angulated without exaggeration. Viewed from the rear, hind legs straight and parallel with strong, firm hocks. Pasterns vertical and strong.
Oval, with toes tight and well arched. Hind feet slightly longer. Black pads. Dark nails preferable.
Sabre tail, thickly coated, set on low, reaching at least to the hock. Carried low when at rest. In action higher, but never above the topline.
Even, rhythmical gait, with forelegs extending well. Good drive from the rear. Covers the ground easily.
Two varieties of coat: Medium and Long. Both have dense double coats with thick, abundant undercoat and hard, straight guard hairs. Hair on head, face, ears and legs shorter. At the neck and the back of the legs the coat is slightly longer. Slightly wavy, hard hair is allowed. In long coats, the hair at the neck forms a distinct mane, and at the back of the hindlegs forms trousers. The tail is bushy. Coat length never exaggerated.
White. Dark skin desirable. Fawn colour on ear tips, back and upper part of tail undesirable.
Height at withers: Dogs 58-66cm (23-26ins); Bitches 53-61cm (21-24ins). Weight: Dogs 30-40kg (66-88lbs); Bitches 25-35kg (55-77lbs).
Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.
Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.