The proposed rules and regulations listed below have been drafted with the view of the 'White Swiss Shepherd Dog Club UK' becoming recognised by the UK Kennel Club at some time in the future.
White Swiss Shepherd Dog Club of the UK
Rules and Regulations
The Club shall be called ‘White Swiss Shepherd Dog Club of the UK’, hereinafter referred to as ‘the Club’. Its aims and objectives shall be:
a) To adopt a standard for the White Swiss Shepherd Dog published by the Kennel Club.
b) To encourage the breeding of White Swiss Shepherd Dogs to the Kennel Club Standard and to assist breeders in every way.
c) To guarantee classes for the breed at shows.
d) To discourage the indiscriminate breeding and sale of White Swiss Shepherd Dogs and to adhere to the UK Kennel Club Code of Ethics.
e) To promote the health and well-being of White Swiss Shepherd Dogs in the United Kingdom.
f) To promote knowledge of the White Swiss Shepherd Dog and its characteristics by appropriate means.
a) The Club shall consist of Officers, a Committee of eight and an unlimited number of Members whose names and addresses shall be kept by the Secretary. The Officers shall consist of a Chairman, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer. The Officers shall be ex-officio Members of the Committee. The Committee shall have the power to appoint, from among its Members, such other Officers as it may deem necessary for the efficient running of the Club.
b) The Club may, at the Annual General Meeting invite to take office as President for a period of three years, a person who has given outstanding service to the breed. In the event of more than one nomination for the position of President being received by the Committee, a secret postal ballot of the Members will be held.
c) The Club may, by a vote of the Annual General Meeting invite to take office as Vice-President, those whom it is felt have given outstanding service to the breed over a number of years. Such Vice-Presidents to remain in that office and to be entitled to attend any meeting of the Committee of the Club for the duration of their membership.
d) The Club may at the Annual General Meeting offer Honorary Membership to a person who is not a member of the Club and whom it is felt deserves recognition for their work for the breed. The Club may only elect one such person at a time.
e) No person whilst an undischarged bankrupt may serve on the Committee of, or hold any other office or appointment within a Kennel Club registered society.
f) The Club may elect as Honorary Life Member a person/s who have given outstanding service to the breed. Such an award to give the recipient full Membership rights. Nominations to be supported with written reasons and submitted as per Club Rules. Elections to be held at the AGM and acceptance by majority vote of the Membership present.
a) The management of the Club, between General Meetings, shall be in the hands of the Officers of the Club and a Committee consisting of eight Members who shall retire annually, but are eligible for re-election.
b) The following shall have full voting rights, the Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Committee Members and all fully paid up Members with membership for more than 1 year.
c) The President and Vice-President shall have voting rights.
d) The Chairman of the meeting, who shall be the Chairman or other elected Officers, shall have the casting vote, in addition to his/her vote as a Committee Member.
e) Meetings of the Committee shall be held as often as deemed necessary, but at least every nine months. Between formal meetings Committee decisions may be sought by remote communication (telephone, email or other appropriate method) such decisions shall in all cases be subject to ratification at the next meeting.
f) A quorum for Committee Meetings shall be four elected Committee Members at least one of whom shall hold office as Chairman, Honorary Secretary or Honorary Treasurer.
g) The Committee shall have the power to co-opt members onto the Committee in the event of positions becoming vacant between Annual General Meetings. Those co-opted shall only hold office until the next election of Officers and Committee takes place.
h) Any Committee Member who fails to attend Committee meetings or fifty per cent of meetings held between their election and close of nominations for the following year, without due cause, shall be deemed to have resigned from the Committee and shall forfeit such appointment.
a) Candidates for Membership shall return a completed Application Form and the appropriate subscription to the Honorary Secretary. Candidates shall be proposed and seconded by two fully paid up Members of the Club.
b) An up to date list of Members and their addresses, and those of branch Members where appropriate, must be maintained and, if so requested, made available for inspection by the Kennel Club and Members of the Society. A declaration of the number of Members of the Club must be made with Annual Returns.
Election of Officers and Committee shall be in accordance with the requirements of Rule 2 and in particular of Rule 2e.
a) Retiring Members of the Committee shall be deemed to have been nominated, unless they have stated in writing that they do not wish to stand for re-election.
b) New nominations for Officers and Members of the Committee shall reach the Honorary Secretary by 31st December. Nominations for Officers shall be deemed to be nominated for non-officio Committee Members as well. Nominations to be supported by the signatures of two Members nominations must also be printed in block capitals who have been fully paid up Members for two full consecutive calendar years. Nominations shall not be valid unless accompanied by a signed declaration by the nominee that, if elected, he/she is willing to serve on the Committee.
c) In the event of more nominations than allocated Committee spaces, then the election of Officers and eight Committee Members shall be by postal ballot, to be held prior to 25th February each year. Only Members whose subscriptions have been received by the Honorary Secretary by 31st January shall be entitled to vote. Ballot papers to be opened and the votes counted by independent auditors on 25th February (26th, if the 25th is a Sunday) and the certified results to be announced at the AGM.
d) In the event of a tied ballot, the tie shall be decided by secret ballot at the Annual General Meeting
e) In the event of insufficient nominations being received for Officers or Committee Members, those Members who have been nominated shall be declared elected and, if necessary any elections for the remaining positions will be held at the Annual General Meeting.
a) Each Member shall be entitled to one vote immediately upon acceptance of Membership except as laid down in Rule 5c).
b) Voting for Officers and Members of the Committee shall be decided by secret postal ballot. At meetings, voting shall be as decided by the majority of the meeting.
c) Junior Members (under 16 years of age) shall have no voting rights.
d) Proxy votes are allowed under exceptional circumstances.
a) Donors of Challenge Cups and trophies must sign acknowledgement that all such gifts are made outright to the Club.
b) The property of the Club shall be vested in the Committee. In the event of the Club ceasing to exist, a Final General Meeting shall be called to decide the disposal of the Club’s assets and the outcome of the meeting notified to the Kennel Club.
c) In the event that the Club is wound up, or ceases to be a Registered Club with the Kennel Club under Kennel Club Rules, a final statement of audited accounts with a record of the disposal of the property of the Club shall be forwarded to the Kennel Club within six months. The persons named as Officers and Committee of the Club on the last return furnished to the Kennel Club under rules 18, will be held responsible by the Kennel Club for the proper winding up of the White Swiss Shepherd Dog Club of the UK.
a) Banking accounts shall be held in the name of the Club, at a bank or building society approved by the Committee, into which all revenue of the Club shall be paid and from which withdrawals shall only be made on the signatures in accordance with a mandate approved by the Committee.
b) After the end of the financial year on December 31st, a copy of the annual statement of accounts, duly certified, shall be available all Members attending the Annual General Meeting, or by written request for those unable to attend.
c) One qualified or two unqualified auditors with accountancy experience will be appointed to audit the accounts of the Club. Those undertaking the certification must be independent from those who prepared the accounts.
d) At the Annual General Meeting the Chairman shall move a vote to decide the Honorarium of the Secretary
a) The Annual Subscription shall be £10.00 per Member. Joint Membership shall be £15.00. (Joint membership can be two persons in a relationship, they will only receive one newsletter/correspondence). Junior Members (under 16) and Senior Members (60 years and over) shall pay £6.00 per Member. Joint Senior Members shall pay £10.00 (Joint Senior Members can be any two people in a partnership and must both be 60 years or over, they will only receive one newsletter/correspondence). Family Membership shall be £20.00 per Membership providing they reside at the same address. (Family Membership will only receive one newsletter/correspondence).
b) The Annual Subscriptions shall be due on the 1st January and Subscription Forms will be available from the Club Secretary or available on our website.
c) No Member whose subscription is unpaid is entitled to any of the privileges of Membership and if the Member shall fail to pay outstanding subscriptions by 1st March his or her name shall be automatically erased from the Register. Acceptance back on the Register will be dependent upon a new application and payment of arrears.
a) Any Member who shall be disqualified under Kennel Club Rule A11.j.(5) and/or Kennel Club Rule A11.j.(9) shall ipso facto cease to be a Member of the Club.
b) If the conduct of any Member shall, in the opinion of the Committee of the Club, be injurious or likely to be injurious to the character or interests of the Club, the Committee of the Club may, at a meeting the notice convening which includes as an object the consideration of the conduct of the Member, determine that a Special General Meeting of the Club shall be called for the purpose of passing a resolution to expel him/her.
c) Notice of a Special General Meeting shall be sent to the accused Member, giving particulars of the complaint and advising the place, date and hour of the Meeting that he/she may attend and offer an explanation. If at the Meeting, a resolution to expel is passed by a two-thirds majority of the Members present and voting, his/her name shall forthwith be erased from the list of Members, and he/she shall thereupon cease for all purposes to be a Member of the Club except that he/she may, within two calendar months of the date of such a Meeting appeal to the Kennel Club upon and subject to such condition as the Kennel Club may impose.
d) If the Club expels any Member for discreditable conduct in connection with dogs, dog shows, trials or competitions, the Club must report the matter in writing to the Kennel Club within seven days and supply any particulars required.
The financial year of the Club shall be from 1st January to 31st December. The Annual General Meeting shall be held at such a time and place as the Committee appoint but in any case before 30th April.
a) The purpose of the Annual General Meeting shall be to receive the report of the Committee, to approve the audited accounts, to receive the results of the ballot for Officers and Committee (in accordance with Rule 5c) and to discuss any resolution duly placed on the Agenda of which prior notice has been given to the Honorary Secretary. No business shall be transacted at an Annual General Meeting unless notice thereof appears on the Agenda, with the exception of routine matters of those which, in the opinion of the Chairman of the meeting are urgent.
b) Notification of the Annual General Meeting shall be sent to all Members via email or by post. Notification shall contain details of the date, venue and time of the meeting.
c) Items for discussion at the Annual General Meeting shall be forwarded to the Honorary Secretary to arrive no later than 31st December each year.
d) The Agenda for the meeting shall be sent to all Members no later than 14 days before the meeting.
e) At an Annual General Meeting the quorum shall be the Members present.
f) The Annual General Meeting of the Club may be held online.
a) A Special General Meeting shall be summoned by the Honorary Secretary if fifteen Members send a signed requisition stating the subject to be discussed and requesting a Special General Meeting to do so. The Committee of the Club is also empowered to call a SGM. The meeting shall take place at a time and place as the Chairman and Honorary Secretary shall appoint, but no later than two calendar months following the date of receipt of the requisition.
b) Notification of a Special General Meeting shall be sent to all Members no later than 14 days before the date of the meeting.
c) No business other than that detailed on the Agenda can be discussed at a Special General Meeting.
d) At a Special General Meeting requested by the Committee the quorum shall be the Members present, otherwise it shall be twenty.
a) The rules of the Club may not be altered except at a General Meeting or Special General Meeting of the Club, the Agenda of which contains specific proposals to amend the rules.
b) Proposed alterations to the rules may not be brought into force until the Kennel Club has been advised and has approved the alterations. New rules or amendments introduced specifically to meet Kennel Club requirements shall be adopted immediately and be included in the Club’s Constitution with effect from the Club’s Annual General Meeting.
The Officers acknowledge that during the month of January each year Maintenance of Title fee will be forwarded to the Kennel Club by the Secretary for the continuance of Registration and that by 31st July each year, other returns, as stipulated in Kennel Club Regulations for the Registration and Maintenance of Title of Societies and Breed Councils and the Affiliation of Agricultural Societies and Municipal Authorities shall be forwarded to the Kennel Club.
The Officers also acknowledge their duty to inform the Kennel Club of any changes of Secretary of the Club which may occur during the year.
Regardless of whether any changes have been made to the list of Officers or Committee Members Rules etc.
i. A copy of the Annual Statement of Accounts which must be certified in accordance with the Rules of the Club and approved at the last Annual General Meeting of the Club.
ii. A copy of the current Rules highlighting any approved amendments.
iii. A list of Members and their addresses. Other returns, as stipulated in Kennel Club regulations for the registration and maintenance of Title of Societies and Municipal
The Club will make a list of Members and their addresses, to be held by the Honorable Secretary and Assistant Secretary. This information may be held on computer. The list will be made available for inspection by the Kennel Club or Members on request. A list of said Members to be published annually in conjunction with the Championship show.
The Kennel Club is the final authority for interpreting the Rules and Regulations of the White Swiss Shepherd Dog Club of the UK in all cases relative to Canine or the Club’s matters.
The Club shall not join any Federation of Societies or Clubs.
Registered Breed Club’s/Societies must produce a list of Judges each year, which must be submitted to the Kennel Club as part of the Society’s Annual Returns. The purpose of Breed Society Judges Lists is to indicate to interested parties those persons a Breed Society would support at differing levels of judging. Membership of the Club must not be a prerequisite for inclusion in the lists. Judges Lists should be divided into five parts namely, A1, A2, A3, B and C, and must indicate the date on which the list will expire. On expiry a new list must be completed.
A1 List – Judges who have previously been approved to award CCs in a given breed and have carried out the appointment.
A2 List – Judges who, if invited to judge by a Society, would in principle be approved by the Kennel Club to award CCs in a given breed for that occasion.
A3 List – Judges who are recommended by a Society as being suitable to award CCs in the breed, but not yet approved by the Kennel Club for inclusion on an A2 List.
B List – Judges who have been approved by Breed Societies to judge at Shows without CCs or Open Shows.
C List – Any C List drawn up by a Breed Club should comprise aspiring Judges who do not fall into any of the above categories.
Such Lists should be prepared by a Judges Sub-Committee, consisting of at least 75% CC Judges for the breed, appointed by the Committee of the Club. For breeds without CCs, the Judges Sub-Committee members should be experienced Judges within the breed. Judges Sub-Committee Members need not be Members of the Club Committee. Lists compiled are not subject to ratification by the Committee or Membership of the Club. It is recommended that such Lists be prepared by secret ballot of the Club’s Judges Sub-Committee, and Societies must clearly indicate to Members the method by which persons may be nominated for inclusion in the ballot and indicate the judging experience necessary for inclusion of a person’s name in the Lists.
A. The Club shall maintain a list of persons who are approved to judge White Swiss Shepherd Dogs. The list is to be prepared by ballot, a simple majority to place the nomination on the list. The list shall consist of eight parts.
1. A1 List
For persons who have previously been approved by the FCI or Kennel Club to award CCs (when relevant) in the breed and have completed their first appointment. To have the support of the Club. (KC Policy)
2. A2 List
For persons who fulfil all the requirements for the A3 list and who have been assessed in accordance with Kennel Club requirements and accepted by the Kennel Club for inclusion on the A2 list. To have the support of the Club. (KC Policy)
3. A3 List Breed Specialist
Those whom the Club would support to award Challenge Certificates (when relevant) in the breed but have not yet been approved by the Kennel Club for inclusion on the A2 List
The Judges Sub-committee will be decided by a majority vote on acceptance onto the list or otherwise.
i. Must have demonstrated successful showing experience or breeding program.
ii. To have bred and/or owned a White Swiss Shepherd Dog when they obtained their first entry in the Kennel Club Stud Book (when relevant, save in exceptional circumstances) (KC Policy)
iii. Minimum of seven years judging experience in the breed and have the support of the Club. (KC Policy)
iv. To have stewarded at 12 shows. (KC Policy)
v. Must state they are prepared to write show critiques.
vi. Must have judged 20 classes of the White Swiss Shepherd Dog (KC Policy) and 40 dogs.
vii. To have attended at least one Breed Teach In by an approved breed specialist run in accordance with the relevant Kennel Club Code of Best Practice and pass the Club’s judging examination on breed points (KC Policy)
ix. Must be assessed as competent by two members of the Judges Sub-Committee.
4. A3 Non-Specialist
Those whom the Club would support to award Challenge Certificates (when relevant) in the breed but have not yet been approved by the Kennel Club for inclusion on the A2 List.
i. Minimum of seven years judging experience in any one breed (to include five years in this breed) and have the support of the Club. (KC Policy)
ii. Must have been assessed as competent by two Members of the Judges Sub Committee.
iii. Must have judged 14 classes and 28 dogs excluding the Club show.
iv. To have awarded CCs in at least one other breed (KC Policy) in the working, pastoral group.
v. To have attended at least one breed specific judging seminar run in accordance with the relevant Kennel Club Code of Best Practice and passed an examination and /or assessment, where applicable
5. B List Breed Specialist
Those whom the Club would support to judge the breed at Championship shows without Challenge Certificates on offer (when relevant) and at Open Shows.
The Judges Sub-Committee will decide by majority vote on acceptance onto the list or otherwise.
i. To have 5 years experience owning and or exhibiting White Swiss Shepherd Dogs.
ii. To have judged 5 classes of White Swiss Shepherd Dog at Open shows or Championship shows without CCs (when relevant).
iii. To have judged at least 10 dogs of the White Swiss Shepherd Dog.
iv. To have attended at least one breed specific judging seminar and passed the exam. The dogs judged at the seminar can be included in number of dogs judged. (3)
v. To have the support of the Club.
vi. To have attended a seminar given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer on Conformation and Movement (KC Policy)
vii. To have attended a seminar given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer and passed the relevant examination of Kennel Club regulations and judging procedures (KC Policy)
viii. To have attended a Conformation and Movement Hands On Assessment conducted by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer and passed the assessment (KC Policy)
6. B List Non-Specialist
Those whom the Club would support to judge the breed at Championship shows without Challenge Certificates on offer and at Open shows (when relevant).
The Judges Sub-Committee will decide by majority vote on acceptance onto the list or otherwise.
i. To have a minimum of 5 years judging experience in any one breed.
ii. To have judged 5 classes of this breed at Open shows or Championship shows without CCs (when relevant, save in exceptional circumstances)
iii. To have judged 10 dogs of the White Swiss Shepherd Dog.
iv. To have attended a breed specific seminar and passed the exam, the dogs, judged at the seminar may then be included in the number of dogs judged.
v. To have the support of the Club.
7. C List Breed Specialist
All applications for inclusion to the C List will be vetted by the Judges Sub-Committee who will by a majority vote on acceptance to the list or otherwise.
For aspiring Judges who have shown an interest in the breed and have the support of the White Swiss Shepherd Dog Club of the UK.
8. C List Non-Specialist
All applicants for inclusion to the C list will be vetted by the Judges Sub-Committee who will by a majority vote on acceptance on the list or otherwise.
For aspiring Judges who have shown an interest in the breed and have the support of the Club.
B. This list shall be held by the Honorary Secretary and sent each year to the Secretaries of societies holding Championship Shows scheduling White Swiss Shepherd Dog classes. The list shall also be sent on request to any canine societies.
C. Nominations for the list shall be sent to the Honorary Secretary to arrive by 31st December each year, stating which part of the list the nomination is for. Nominations must indicate the judging experience of the nominee and should be accompanied by a signed statement that they are willing to judge White Swiss Shepherds and give a written critique.
D. The list to be considered each year, together with any new nominations by the Judges Sub-Committee. The application must be supported by factual evidence. The list will be passed to the General Committee for verification.
E. The Judges list will expire on 28th February each year.
The Judges Sub-Committee will consist of:
1) All Members of the General Committee who have awarded Challenge Certificates in the breed (when relevant).
2) All fully paid up Members of the Club who
i. have awarded Challenge Certificates in the breed (when relevant) and
ii. are on the A1 breed specialist judging list
iii. have been Club Members for three years out of the previous four.
2. The Chairman and Honorable Secretary of the General Committee shall hold these offices for the Judges Sub-Committee, if they fit the criteria in part one.
3. The Judges Sub-Committee will vote for nominees to the Judges List.
4. The Judges Sub-Committee will hold at least one meeting a year, before the end of March.
White Swiss Shepherd Dog Club of the UK
Rules and Regulations
The Club shall be called ‘White Swiss Shepherd Dog Club of the UK’, hereinafter referred to as ‘the Club’. Its aims and objectives shall be:
a) To adopt a standard for the White Swiss Shepherd Dog published by the Kennel Club.
b) To encourage the breeding of White Swiss Shepherd Dogs to the Kennel Club Standard and to assist breeders in every way.
c) To guarantee classes for the breed at shows.
d) To discourage the indiscriminate breeding and sale of White Swiss Shepherd Dogs and to adhere to the UK Kennel Club Code of Ethics.
e) To promote the health and well-being of White Swiss Shepherd Dogs in the United Kingdom.
f) To promote knowledge of the White Swiss Shepherd Dog and its characteristics by appropriate means.
a) The Club shall consist of Officers, a Committee of eight and an unlimited number of Members whose names and addresses shall be kept by the Secretary. The Officers shall consist of a Chairman, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer. The Officers shall be ex-officio Members of the Committee. The Committee shall have the power to appoint, from among its Members, such other Officers as it may deem necessary for the efficient running of the Club.
b) The Club may, at the Annual General Meeting invite to take office as President for a period of three years, a person who has given outstanding service to the breed. In the event of more than one nomination for the position of President being received by the Committee, a secret postal ballot of the Members will be held.
c) The Club may, by a vote of the Annual General Meeting invite to take office as Vice-President, those whom it is felt have given outstanding service to the breed over a number of years. Such Vice-Presidents to remain in that office and to be entitled to attend any meeting of the Committee of the Club for the duration of their membership.
d) The Club may at the Annual General Meeting offer Honorary Membership to a person who is not a member of the Club and whom it is felt deserves recognition for their work for the breed. The Club may only elect one such person at a time.
e) No person whilst an undischarged bankrupt may serve on the Committee of, or hold any other office or appointment within a Kennel Club registered society.
f) The Club may elect as Honorary Life Member a person/s who have given outstanding service to the breed. Such an award to give the recipient full Membership rights. Nominations to be supported with written reasons and submitted as per Club Rules. Elections to be held at the AGM and acceptance by majority vote of the Membership present.
a) The management of the Club, between General Meetings, shall be in the hands of the Officers of the Club and a Committee consisting of eight Members who shall retire annually, but are eligible for re-election.
b) The following shall have full voting rights, the Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Committee Members and all fully paid up Members with membership for more than 1 year.
c) The President and Vice-President shall have voting rights.
d) The Chairman of the meeting, who shall be the Chairman or other elected Officers, shall have the casting vote, in addition to his/her vote as a Committee Member.
e) Meetings of the Committee shall be held as often as deemed necessary, but at least every nine months. Between formal meetings Committee decisions may be sought by remote communication (telephone, email or other appropriate method) such decisions shall in all cases be subject to ratification at the next meeting.
f) A quorum for Committee Meetings shall be four elected Committee Members at least one of whom shall hold office as Chairman, Honorary Secretary or Honorary Treasurer.
g) The Committee shall have the power to co-opt members onto the Committee in the event of positions becoming vacant between Annual General Meetings. Those co-opted shall only hold office until the next election of Officers and Committee takes place.
h) Any Committee Member who fails to attend Committee meetings or fifty per cent of meetings held between their election and close of nominations for the following year, without due cause, shall be deemed to have resigned from the Committee and shall forfeit such appointment.
a) Candidates for Membership shall return a completed Application Form and the appropriate subscription to the Honorary Secretary. Candidates shall be proposed and seconded by two fully paid up Members of the Club.
b) An up to date list of Members and their addresses, and those of branch Members where appropriate, must be maintained and, if so requested, made available for inspection by the Kennel Club and Members of the Society. A declaration of the number of Members of the Club must be made with Annual Returns.
Election of Officers and Committee shall be in accordance with the requirements of Rule 2 and in particular of Rule 2e.
a) Retiring Members of the Committee shall be deemed to have been nominated, unless they have stated in writing that they do not wish to stand for re-election.
b) New nominations for Officers and Members of the Committee shall reach the Honorary Secretary by 31st December. Nominations for Officers shall be deemed to be nominated for non-officio Committee Members as well. Nominations to be supported by the signatures of two Members nominations must also be printed in block capitals who have been fully paid up Members for two full consecutive calendar years. Nominations shall not be valid unless accompanied by a signed declaration by the nominee that, if elected, he/she is willing to serve on the Committee.
c) In the event of more nominations than allocated Committee spaces, then the election of Officers and eight Committee Members shall be by postal ballot, to be held prior to 25th February each year. Only Members whose subscriptions have been received by the Honorary Secretary by 31st January shall be entitled to vote. Ballot papers to be opened and the votes counted by independent auditors on 25th February (26th, if the 25th is a Sunday) and the certified results to be announced at the AGM.
d) In the event of a tied ballot, the tie shall be decided by secret ballot at the Annual General Meeting
e) In the event of insufficient nominations being received for Officers or Committee Members, those Members who have been nominated shall be declared elected and, if necessary any elections for the remaining positions will be held at the Annual General Meeting.
a) Each Member shall be entitled to one vote immediately upon acceptance of Membership except as laid down in Rule 5c).
b) Voting for Officers and Members of the Committee shall be decided by secret postal ballot. At meetings, voting shall be as decided by the majority of the meeting.
c) Junior Members (under 16 years of age) shall have no voting rights.
d) Proxy votes are allowed under exceptional circumstances.
a) Donors of Challenge Cups and trophies must sign acknowledgement that all such gifts are made outright to the Club.
b) The property of the Club shall be vested in the Committee. In the event of the Club ceasing to exist, a Final General Meeting shall be called to decide the disposal of the Club’s assets and the outcome of the meeting notified to the Kennel Club.
c) In the event that the Club is wound up, or ceases to be a Registered Club with the Kennel Club under Kennel Club Rules, a final statement of audited accounts with a record of the disposal of the property of the Club shall be forwarded to the Kennel Club within six months. The persons named as Officers and Committee of the Club on the last return furnished to the Kennel Club under rules 18, will be held responsible by the Kennel Club for the proper winding up of the White Swiss Shepherd Dog Club of the UK.
a) Banking accounts shall be held in the name of the Club, at a bank or building society approved by the Committee, into which all revenue of the Club shall be paid and from which withdrawals shall only be made on the signatures in accordance with a mandate approved by the Committee.
b) After the end of the financial year on December 31st, a copy of the annual statement of accounts, duly certified, shall be available all Members attending the Annual General Meeting, or by written request for those unable to attend.
c) One qualified or two unqualified auditors with accountancy experience will be appointed to audit the accounts of the Club. Those undertaking the certification must be independent from those who prepared the accounts.
d) At the Annual General Meeting the Chairman shall move a vote to decide the Honorarium of the Secretary
a) The Annual Subscription shall be £10.00 per Member. Joint Membership shall be £15.00. (Joint membership can be two persons in a relationship, they will only receive one newsletter/correspondence). Junior Members (under 16) and Senior Members (60 years and over) shall pay £6.00 per Member. Joint Senior Members shall pay £10.00 (Joint Senior Members can be any two people in a partnership and must both be 60 years or over, they will only receive one newsletter/correspondence). Family Membership shall be £20.00 per Membership providing they reside at the same address. (Family Membership will only receive one newsletter/correspondence).
b) The Annual Subscriptions shall be due on the 1st January and Subscription Forms will be available from the Club Secretary or available on our website.
c) No Member whose subscription is unpaid is entitled to any of the privileges of Membership and if the Member shall fail to pay outstanding subscriptions by 1st March his or her name shall be automatically erased from the Register. Acceptance back on the Register will be dependent upon a new application and payment of arrears.
a) Any Member who shall be disqualified under Kennel Club Rule A11.j.(5) and/or Kennel Club Rule A11.j.(9) shall ipso facto cease to be a Member of the Club.
b) If the conduct of any Member shall, in the opinion of the Committee of the Club, be injurious or likely to be injurious to the character or interests of the Club, the Committee of the Club may, at a meeting the notice convening which includes as an object the consideration of the conduct of the Member, determine that a Special General Meeting of the Club shall be called for the purpose of passing a resolution to expel him/her.
c) Notice of a Special General Meeting shall be sent to the accused Member, giving particulars of the complaint and advising the place, date and hour of the Meeting that he/she may attend and offer an explanation. If at the Meeting, a resolution to expel is passed by a two-thirds majority of the Members present and voting, his/her name shall forthwith be erased from the list of Members, and he/she shall thereupon cease for all purposes to be a Member of the Club except that he/she may, within two calendar months of the date of such a Meeting appeal to the Kennel Club upon and subject to such condition as the Kennel Club may impose.
d) If the Club expels any Member for discreditable conduct in connection with dogs, dog shows, trials or competitions, the Club must report the matter in writing to the Kennel Club within seven days and supply any particulars required.
The financial year of the Club shall be from 1st January to 31st December. The Annual General Meeting shall be held at such a time and place as the Committee appoint but in any case before 30th April.
a) The purpose of the Annual General Meeting shall be to receive the report of the Committee, to approve the audited accounts, to receive the results of the ballot for Officers and Committee (in accordance with Rule 5c) and to discuss any resolution duly placed on the Agenda of which prior notice has been given to the Honorary Secretary. No business shall be transacted at an Annual General Meeting unless notice thereof appears on the Agenda, with the exception of routine matters of those which, in the opinion of the Chairman of the meeting are urgent.
b) Notification of the Annual General Meeting shall be sent to all Members via email or by post. Notification shall contain details of the date, venue and time of the meeting.
c) Items for discussion at the Annual General Meeting shall be forwarded to the Honorary Secretary to arrive no later than 31st December each year.
d) The Agenda for the meeting shall be sent to all Members no later than 14 days before the meeting.
e) At an Annual General Meeting the quorum shall be the Members present.
f) The Annual General Meeting of the Club may be held online.
a) A Special General Meeting shall be summoned by the Honorary Secretary if fifteen Members send a signed requisition stating the subject to be discussed and requesting a Special General Meeting to do so. The Committee of the Club is also empowered to call a SGM. The meeting shall take place at a time and place as the Chairman and Honorary Secretary shall appoint, but no later than two calendar months following the date of receipt of the requisition.
b) Notification of a Special General Meeting shall be sent to all Members no later than 14 days before the date of the meeting.
c) No business other than that detailed on the Agenda can be discussed at a Special General Meeting.
d) At a Special General Meeting requested by the Committee the quorum shall be the Members present, otherwise it shall be twenty.
a) The rules of the Club may not be altered except at a General Meeting or Special General Meeting of the Club, the Agenda of which contains specific proposals to amend the rules.
b) Proposed alterations to the rules may not be brought into force until the Kennel Club has been advised and has approved the alterations. New rules or amendments introduced specifically to meet Kennel Club requirements shall be adopted immediately and be included in the Club’s Constitution with effect from the Club’s Annual General Meeting.
The Officers acknowledge that during the month of January each year Maintenance of Title fee will be forwarded to the Kennel Club by the Secretary for the continuance of Registration and that by 31st July each year, other returns, as stipulated in Kennel Club Regulations for the Registration and Maintenance of Title of Societies and Breed Councils and the Affiliation of Agricultural Societies and Municipal Authorities shall be forwarded to the Kennel Club.
The Officers also acknowledge their duty to inform the Kennel Club of any changes of Secretary of the Club which may occur during the year.
Regardless of whether any changes have been made to the list of Officers or Committee Members Rules etc.
i. A copy of the Annual Statement of Accounts which must be certified in accordance with the Rules of the Club and approved at the last Annual General Meeting of the Club.
ii. A copy of the current Rules highlighting any approved amendments.
iii. A list of Members and their addresses. Other returns, as stipulated in Kennel Club regulations for the registration and maintenance of Title of Societies and Municipal
The Club will make a list of Members and their addresses, to be held by the Honorable Secretary and Assistant Secretary. This information may be held on computer. The list will be made available for inspection by the Kennel Club or Members on request. A list of said Members to be published annually in conjunction with the Championship show.
The Kennel Club is the final authority for interpreting the Rules and Regulations of the White Swiss Shepherd Dog Club of the UK in all cases relative to Canine or the Club’s matters.
The Club shall not join any Federation of Societies or Clubs.
Registered Breed Club’s/Societies must produce a list of Judges each year, which must be submitted to the Kennel Club as part of the Society’s Annual Returns. The purpose of Breed Society Judges Lists is to indicate to interested parties those persons a Breed Society would support at differing levels of judging. Membership of the Club must not be a prerequisite for inclusion in the lists. Judges Lists should be divided into five parts namely, A1, A2, A3, B and C, and must indicate the date on which the list will expire. On expiry a new list must be completed.
A1 List – Judges who have previously been approved to award CCs in a given breed and have carried out the appointment.
A2 List – Judges who, if invited to judge by a Society, would in principle be approved by the Kennel Club to award CCs in a given breed for that occasion.
A3 List – Judges who are recommended by a Society as being suitable to award CCs in the breed, but not yet approved by the Kennel Club for inclusion on an A2 List.
B List – Judges who have been approved by Breed Societies to judge at Shows without CCs or Open Shows.
C List – Any C List drawn up by a Breed Club should comprise aspiring Judges who do not fall into any of the above categories.
Such Lists should be prepared by a Judges Sub-Committee, consisting of at least 75% CC Judges for the breed, appointed by the Committee of the Club. For breeds without CCs, the Judges Sub-Committee members should be experienced Judges within the breed. Judges Sub-Committee Members need not be Members of the Club Committee. Lists compiled are not subject to ratification by the Committee or Membership of the Club. It is recommended that such Lists be prepared by secret ballot of the Club’s Judges Sub-Committee, and Societies must clearly indicate to Members the method by which persons may be nominated for inclusion in the ballot and indicate the judging experience necessary for inclusion of a person’s name in the Lists.
A. The Club shall maintain a list of persons who are approved to judge White Swiss Shepherd Dogs. The list is to be prepared by ballot, a simple majority to place the nomination on the list. The list shall consist of eight parts.
1. A1 List
For persons who have previously been approved by the FCI or Kennel Club to award CCs (when relevant) in the breed and have completed their first appointment. To have the support of the Club. (KC Policy)
2. A2 List
For persons who fulfil all the requirements for the A3 list and who have been assessed in accordance with Kennel Club requirements and accepted by the Kennel Club for inclusion on the A2 list. To have the support of the Club. (KC Policy)
3. A3 List Breed Specialist
Those whom the Club would support to award Challenge Certificates (when relevant) in the breed but have not yet been approved by the Kennel Club for inclusion on the A2 List
The Judges Sub-committee will be decided by a majority vote on acceptance onto the list or otherwise.
i. Must have demonstrated successful showing experience or breeding program.
ii. To have bred and/or owned a White Swiss Shepherd Dog when they obtained their first entry in the Kennel Club Stud Book (when relevant, save in exceptional circumstances) (KC Policy)
iii. Minimum of seven years judging experience in the breed and have the support of the Club. (KC Policy)
iv. To have stewarded at 12 shows. (KC Policy)
v. Must state they are prepared to write show critiques.
vi. Must have judged 20 classes of the White Swiss Shepherd Dog (KC Policy) and 40 dogs.
vii. To have attended at least one Breed Teach In by an approved breed specialist run in accordance with the relevant Kennel Club Code of Best Practice and pass the Club’s judging examination on breed points (KC Policy)
ix. Must be assessed as competent by two members of the Judges Sub-Committee.
4. A3 Non-Specialist
Those whom the Club would support to award Challenge Certificates (when relevant) in the breed but have not yet been approved by the Kennel Club for inclusion on the A2 List.
i. Minimum of seven years judging experience in any one breed (to include five years in this breed) and have the support of the Club. (KC Policy)
ii. Must have been assessed as competent by two Members of the Judges Sub Committee.
iii. Must have judged 14 classes and 28 dogs excluding the Club show.
iv. To have awarded CCs in at least one other breed (KC Policy) in the working, pastoral group.
v. To have attended at least one breed specific judging seminar run in accordance with the relevant Kennel Club Code of Best Practice and passed an examination and /or assessment, where applicable
5. B List Breed Specialist
Those whom the Club would support to judge the breed at Championship shows without Challenge Certificates on offer (when relevant) and at Open Shows.
The Judges Sub-Committee will decide by majority vote on acceptance onto the list or otherwise.
i. To have 5 years experience owning and or exhibiting White Swiss Shepherd Dogs.
ii. To have judged 5 classes of White Swiss Shepherd Dog at Open shows or Championship shows without CCs (when relevant).
iii. To have judged at least 10 dogs of the White Swiss Shepherd Dog.
iv. To have attended at least one breed specific judging seminar and passed the exam. The dogs judged at the seminar can be included in number of dogs judged. (3)
v. To have the support of the Club.
vi. To have attended a seminar given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer on Conformation and Movement (KC Policy)
vii. To have attended a seminar given by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer and passed the relevant examination of Kennel Club regulations and judging procedures (KC Policy)
viii. To have attended a Conformation and Movement Hands On Assessment conducted by a Kennel Club Accredited Trainer and passed the assessment (KC Policy)
6. B List Non-Specialist
Those whom the Club would support to judge the breed at Championship shows without Challenge Certificates on offer and at Open shows (when relevant).
The Judges Sub-Committee will decide by majority vote on acceptance onto the list or otherwise.
i. To have a minimum of 5 years judging experience in any one breed.
ii. To have judged 5 classes of this breed at Open shows or Championship shows without CCs (when relevant, save in exceptional circumstances)
iii. To have judged 10 dogs of the White Swiss Shepherd Dog.
iv. To have attended a breed specific seminar and passed the exam, the dogs, judged at the seminar may then be included in the number of dogs judged.
v. To have the support of the Club.
7. C List Breed Specialist
All applications for inclusion to the C List will be vetted by the Judges Sub-Committee who will by a majority vote on acceptance to the list or otherwise.
For aspiring Judges who have shown an interest in the breed and have the support of the White Swiss Shepherd Dog Club of the UK.
8. C List Non-Specialist
All applicants for inclusion to the C list will be vetted by the Judges Sub-Committee who will by a majority vote on acceptance on the list or otherwise.
For aspiring Judges who have shown an interest in the breed and have the support of the Club.
B. This list shall be held by the Honorary Secretary and sent each year to the Secretaries of societies holding Championship Shows scheduling White Swiss Shepherd Dog classes. The list shall also be sent on request to any canine societies.
C. Nominations for the list shall be sent to the Honorary Secretary to arrive by 31st December each year, stating which part of the list the nomination is for. Nominations must indicate the judging experience of the nominee and should be accompanied by a signed statement that they are willing to judge White Swiss Shepherds and give a written critique.
D. The list to be considered each year, together with any new nominations by the Judges Sub-Committee. The application must be supported by factual evidence. The list will be passed to the General Committee for verification.
E. The Judges list will expire on 28th February each year.
The Judges Sub-Committee will consist of:
1) All Members of the General Committee who have awarded Challenge Certificates in the breed (when relevant).
2) All fully paid up Members of the Club who
i. have awarded Challenge Certificates in the breed (when relevant) and
ii. are on the A1 breed specialist judging list
iii. have been Club Members for three years out of the previous four.
2. The Chairman and Honorable Secretary of the General Committee shall hold these offices for the Judges Sub-Committee, if they fit the criteria in part one.
3. The Judges Sub-Committee will vote for nominees to the Judges List.
4. The Judges Sub-Committee will hold at least one meeting a year, before the end of March.